from relativity principle to quantum mechanics and back

To illustrate this chapter, we'll try to answer the following question; which living creatures on planet Earth have the biggest mass when counted together? Surprisingly, whales and elephants would be close to the end of the list. Mice and sardines would be positioned close to the top. Insects would almost lead the list... But the first place would go to the life we don't even see.. Microorganisms.

Neutrinos are space particles which in our perception range travel through everything, have no mass and no electricity. For them, distances between atoms, nucleus and electrons are so big that chances of colliding with them are very small. From their perception RF it takes millions of years to travel those distances .When travelling through Earth it is like asteroid or spacecraft travelling through galaxy. Even Earth’s atomic structure gets denser when closer to its centre. For particles much smaller than neutrinos atoms on Earth might be, because of their mass relative to theirs, so red shifted when in inter atom (inter stellar) space, that for them all our planet would literally not exist.
An instrument sent to a region with very low gravitation (relative to ours) would suddenly be able to measure neutrinos' mass. They would move slower but in increased number. Speed of light would slow down, which would decrease Bohr radius. As a consequence of that, spacecraft meter unit, mass and energy would decrease and the time would accelerate. The perception of temperature would slowly increase, so the 3 Kelvin back radiation surrounding would be impossible to experience. Some other, yet unknown particles, even smaller than neutrinos would start to appear in our spacecraft instruments perception range. After an unthinkable long journey, deep in low gravitation field, if looking behind, our sun would be seen as quasar, and travelling further away, the whole solar system would disappear. The clouds of neutrinos met in the beginning of journey would look like a huge red shifted mass forming shiny stars. The picture of universe would look like its negative. Celestial bodies we now see in galaxy arms would disappear, and some new ones would start to shine in its dark regions creating new galaxies.
Quantum mechanics would become principles of relativity..(fig. 17).
fig. 17
Travelling in different direction, towards more intense gravitational systems, after an unthinkable long journey the only visible objects in space would be those, now hidden, behind quasars region and Black Holes... The space between Black Hole objects and celestial bodies behind the edge of quasars' region, which would appear at the same distances, and probably repeat the same pattern as now known galaxies, would look like a vast cold and dark place of nothingness.
Principles of relativity would become Quantum mechanics...