Galaxy rotation problem solution
At Moon’s surface, our terrestrial units for space and time (meter, second) changes for dilatational amount difference “Ddif” only.
DE” and “DM“ in equation above are corresponding dilatational amounts for Earth and Moon. That difference is around insignificant 1.00000002733533 second and the same amount for meter. According to equation
frequency at moon stays unchanged but if compared to Earth, the universal space-time shrinks six times;
where "dE", "dM", "gE" and "gM" are corresponding dilatational and gravitational amounts for Earth and Moon and "λE" and "λM" are their corresponding wave time. So the astronaut’s weight at Moon's surface is calculated in 1/6 part of Earth space-time fraction. The result is the corresponding astronaut’s weight difference between Earth and Moon. It also explains distance estimation irregularities experienced by astronauts as well as the fact, that in lesser gravitational-dilatational field they percieved more tiny lunar enviroment details.
Having in mind the equvalence
when calculating with universal units it is obvious that gravitation doesn’t obay the inverse square law, but rather falls lieary with distance.This principle solves the Galaxy rotation problem. When calculating Sun’s orbital velocity from its RF, what we come up with is the result measured with our space-time-speed units. Considering that the Galaxy RF is governing from its centre’s mass which immensely differ from or Sun’s mass, what we observe is just a fraction of its space and time (fig. 7).
It implies that for each of its orbital distances, different faction of corresponding orbital speed would be observed. So, the observed orbital velocity for each Galaxy orbital region would equal to dilation difference of Sun’s region orbital velocity. As a reference speed relatively observed and measured orbital velocity of our Solar system is used;
where voRN is observed orbital velocity for N’s galaxy’s radius, voRS is relatively observed orbital velocity of Solar system, doRS and doRN are relative dilation results of corresponding Sun’s and N’s orbit radiuses calculated with our RF units.
it is the same if we write;
where roRN and roRS are relative radiuses for N’s and Solar system’s orbit.
If one second and one metre at particular galaxy orbital region equals to ten times bigger amount for our orbital region, what we observe is only the 1/10 part of its RF physics calculated in meters and seconds. So its real orbital speed would be observed as ten times slower. Measured from their RF our orbital speed would appear as ten times faster since in one second of their time, ten seconds of our time would be observed. Analogously, measured from their RF our RF orbit would appear ten times closer than as their RF orbit distance appears to us. The consequence of such observation is that galaxies don’t obey Kepler’s orbital law but in appearance, they rotate as a wheel.